Error in setting up a DHIS 2 local instance on Window 10


Am new to DHIS2 development. i want to create a local DHIS 2 instance and am getting the above error. i used the instructions on

Hey @kilson_muchuchuti,
Please try this and let me know if it works:
d2 cluster up 2.35.8 db-version 2.35 --update --port 8182
if line above doesn’t work then this first (and then again the line above):
d2 cluster up 2.35.8 db-version 2.35 --seed --port 8182

This way I ensured that we are specifying exactly the available version number 2.35.8 and made sure that if there’s a database already (it will update) additionally made sure that the issue isn’t because a used port. I doubt that 8182 is used :crossed_fingers:

Am still getting an error.however i tried using using this (tomcat) and it worked.Problem am getting confused when i am following YouTube toturials

Have you seen the developer’s getting started guide? It has helped me a lot! Developer Portal Documentation | DHIS2 Developer Portal