Error in event creation Incorrect result size: expected 1, actual 2

Hello everyone, I received an error message when creating an event in the tracker module
Error in event creation
Incorrect result size: expected 1, actual 2” could someone help me solve this please. I am using Version 2.36.6 and the problem started recently.

I followed @Markus ’ solution by running the SQL query “select * from categorycombo where name = 'default’;” but it doesn’t help me because I have only one default categorycombo

Hello, @lebaldem2 . Scroll down to my comments on @Markus solution.

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Hello @mmpeete below in image the contents of the categorycombo and categorycombos_categories tables the default is created on 2020-03-24, the issu arrived in May 2022


Hello everyone my problem was solved by deleting the second default from the categoryoptioncombo table. Thank you