Error after upgrading to DHIS2 2.40.5 - "Can not add a Model without id to a ModelCollection

Hi everyone,

After upgrading our DHIS2 instance from 2.38 to 2.40.5, I’m encountering an issue when accessing certain option sets.

When I try to access an option set via the API, I receive the following error:
“Can not add a Model without id to a ModelCollection”

The JSON response shows that some options are null:

  "options": [
    {"name": "Gastro-enterologist", "id": "XCztWMFzC8P"},
    {"name": "Internist", "id": "IGvGP4cQ2WF"},
    {"name": "Infectiologist", "id": "lTu8wpea8BK"}


  • The upgrade was from 2.38 to 2.40.5.
  • These option sets were working correctly before the upgrade.


  1. Were there any changes in option set management between these versions?
  2. How can I effectively identify and fix these null options?
  3. Are there any scripts or tools to clean corrupted option sets after a migration?

Thank you in advance for your help!

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I noticed something like that on one our instance.
It was due to the sort_order not beginning at 1 or having gaps in the order

not sure it’s fixable through the api/maintenance screen

I had to locate the optionvalue for that optionSet, then figure out the update needed

select * from optionvalue where optionsetid = 121
update optionvalue set sort_order = 1 where optionvalueid = xxx

and finally restart dhis2 or clear the cache in the data administration screen.

see optionSet api return null in the options


Can you try to use this clean up sql script ?
More info here SQL script for cleaning up Option sortOrders in database