Encoding different stages of an tracker program within the same enrollment with multiple devices (Mobile app)


Lately we come to experiment some inconsistencies while using the mobile app and I would like to figure out what should be its expected behavior :slight_smile:

So we have a tracker program with multiple stages. The idea was that it would save the encoders time if they were able to fill in different stages for the same entity at the same moment on their respective devices.
(They both load the same enrolled TEI and start to fill in different stages within that enrollment and then sync the data).

It’s been working for a time (all data was sync, no overwriting, no crash,…) and not anymore lately (stages which were not opened by an encoder syncing anyway and blanking the data encoded by the other encoder, crashes while syncing, …).

So, what should be the expected behavior? What was intended?

Thanks for your lights,



Hi @Thomas_Warichet,

great to see you in the community again!

Our team from @dhis2-android will have a look at your use-case and advise.


Hi @Thomas_Warichet,

there have been changes in the endpoints that can be causing this behaviour… can you please let us know the App version and DHIS2 version and built number from both cases, when everything worked fine and now?


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Hi @marta,

It worked under dhis2 capture v1.2.3. (can’t find the build number but it was the last released on May 13, 2019).

Not working on the actual version/build of the app.

Server is running DHIS2 v2.30 build version 1d82d4e.

Thanks for your help,



Hi @Thomas_Warichet,

I believe that build version (1d82d4e) is dated on June 4th? If so, it should be ok. So, the app/dhis2 should allow to import different events from different users of the same tei at any time.

Unfortunately, I cant replicate the issue, can you try to replicate it in the demo server and let me know? So i can have a look? Or can you give me some access to your server (describing the use case), so I can try to replicate it there. (If so, you can send me the credentials by email)


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