Duplicate attendance events in dashboard visuals

We are using SEMIS to track student attendance, for some reason there is duplicate entries for some students, i.e One student having double attendance entries on the same date.
When verifying attendance charts, I noticed that these duplicate events are being included in the calculations. How can I filter out these duplicates from the Dashboard?
#DHIS Version


Hi @cgitosh

Welcome back to the community!

Would you share the expressions used in these calculations? And how this is configured? Maybe there’s a way to make sure that an id in the same event is counted only once.

How does the duplication happen? I understand that you’re looking into it at the output/analysis level now, but maybe there’s a way to avoid this duplication in the first place.


Thank you for your response @Gassim,
The calculations are program indicators. Aggregation type = Count, Analytics Type= event. The expression is v{event_count} and a filter to either count absent or present events. The duplication is happening on the user side in SEMIS. Every edit of attendance in a day, present or absent, for a child is getting counted instead of just using the final result for the day

@cgitosh great to see you are now in the pilot project’s Slack channel with the others and can get feedback directly from the team!