We’re thrilled to announce that Dr. Honest Kimaro, our UDSM DHIS2 Lab Coordinator, has been listed among the Top 100 Tanzanian Changemakers of 2024!
Indeed, this is well-deserved recognition since Dr. Honest has played a pivotal role in driving digital health innovations in Tanzania since 2002 when the UDSM DHIS2 Lab was established at University of Dar Es Salaam
His work has significantly improved the performance of Tanzania’s health system, with our dhis2 team successfully implementing various transformative and impactful integrated digital systems such as the National DHIS2 Health Data Warehouse, Human Resource for Health System HRHIS, Integrated Disease Surveillance Systems eIDSR, Electronic Medical Record System (iCare-EMR), and National Medical Laboratory system
These innovations have revolutionized healthcare service delivery and management, making healthcare delivery more efficient and health data digitally accessible at different levels.
This recognition is a testament to his dedication and the impact of his work and team. Join us in celebrating this well-deserved recognition!
Read more about this incredible achievement here: - List of 100 Tanzanian Changemakers 2024 revealed | The Citizen