Does any version of DHIS2 Supports Multiple drop down selection?

Does DHIS2 Supports multiple select drop down in any version?

No, there’s no such data type. Option sets only allow single selection. However you can work around that limitation with multiple yes only data elements under a same section. Not a drop-down per se but mimics the same result.

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Hey @Roshan.Konda, sorry about a year ago I actually thought this was available! :sweat_smile: I might have misunderstood docs. Thanks for your question!

~~Hey @Roshan.Konda, as you can see the dropdown menu is new, it’s in the Capture app in version 2.36.0. Home - DHIS2 Documentation

Is it on Tracker Capture or Capture app?

Dear Team,

Can we have multiple selection like the below screenshot in DHIS2.
Or are we planning to develop this ?

Hi there, yes this is something that has been on the DHIS2 list for a while now with a few of us wanting it & waiting for a status update… JIRA reference here that has a history of it.
Hopefully one of the UiO team can reply/update JIRA to let us know

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@Roshan.Konda sorry I previously thought that this was available in the Capture app but it turns out that a year ago I might have misunderstood the docs. :smiley:

Actually, in a new topic post @dmnscar shared this Jira issue Multi selection for option set - DHIS2-3305 which was created a long time ago but it’d help if you add your votes. I will be following up with @tracker-products about this! Thanks!

@Gassim has this issues been resolved or has been rejected?
I saw you closed it

is this something doable?


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Hi @Pacifique_Hategekima

From what I see, DHIS2-3305 is still open, but DHIS2-5229 is closed, because this is a duplicate of 3305. It does not seem like it is fixed yet.


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It would be great to see DHIS2-3305 moved forward.

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