Docker on macOS Big Sur

I am facing some issue running docker image dhis2/core:2.37.2 on MacOS Big Sur. Has anyone been able to get it running? So you know, I am using the same image on macOS Catalina and it is all good.

See error I am experiencing:

dhis2-web | # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
dhis2-web | #
dhis2-web | # Internal Error (safepoint.cpp:388), pid=1, tid=0x000000403f019700
dhis2-web | # guarantee(PageArmed == 0) failed: invariant
dhis2-web | #
dhis2-web | # JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (8.0_312-b07) (build 1.8.0_312-b07)
dhis2-web | # Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (25.312-b07 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops)
dhis2-web | # Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try “ulimit -c unlimited” before starting Java again
dhis2-web | #
dhis2-web | # An error report file with more information is saved as:
dhis2-web | # /tmp/hs_err_pid1.log
dhis2-web | #
dhis2-web | # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
dhis2-web | # Crash Report
dhis2-web | #
dhis2-web | qemu: uncaught target signal 6 (Aborted) - core dumped


Hi @Michael_Mwebaze

Have you tried to use the command mentioned above? If it doesn’t work try ulimit -H -c unlimited

Additionally, I would like to know please what guide/docs/instructions are you following to perform the installation? Have you checked out Developer Portal Documentation | DHIS2 Developer Portal?


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Hi @Gassim I did use the “ulimit -c unlimited” command in the past but they wasn’t helpful. I will try ulimit -H -c unlimited. So you know, I have a docker-compose file I am using which has been working great on macOS Catalina. I recently acquired a new mac book running macOS big sur and attempted to run the same docker-compose file but got the above issues.


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Just in-case someone comes here for help. I suspect because of the architecture type, the dhis2 images are failing. So I decided to build a new image from scratch and that has helped.

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Hi Michael, thanks for passing this feedback! Is your new Mac an M1 processor based machine?
Because I don’t see this on Big Sur but my processor is not the new one.

Yes! My mac has the M1 processor. None of the official images were helpful. So I had to build the dhis2 and then create the above image to get around that.


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Hi Michael,

We build Docker images for all releases that work with x86 and ARM chips, including the M1, that are released to the public you can find them here.


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Thanks Dan! @Michael_Mwebaze We’re taking a look at this, we could reproduce on M1 based machines. Please hang on!