Display enrollments in event reports without a stage

Hi all,
I am having trouble displaying a list of events in event reports if there is not a program stage added. We have a lot of cases where TEIs are enrolled and we want to visualize them in event reports BEFORE the first stage is added, but they are only showing up if we have added data in one of the stages. Is there any way to do this - just get a list in event reports of enrollments?? I’ve tried changing the output to enrollment and TEI but nothing changes. Thanks.


https://YOUR URL HERE/31(Version of your instance HERE)/api/trackedEntityInstances/query.csv?ou=YOUR OU ID HERE &ouMode=DESCENDANTS&program=YOUR PROGRAM ID HERE

Just follow the instructions above and you will get all TIE registered under that program without needing a Stage under EVENTS REPORTs


Thank you!!! That worked to see the TEIs. I can also see the list on the tracker capture front page. BUT I was hoping to be able to add it as an object (chart or table) to a dashboard. We are tracking entities other than people, and we want to be able to save it as a favorite and see a list of those ENROLLED - like the event reports table - on the dashboard. Any options I can change, or any workarounds? Thanks!

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Was there ever a resolution to this? We are experiencing the same issues.

Hey @kstankevitz,
Thank you for your patience! It doesn’t seem for me that this is currently possible. @Natalie_Tibbels @kstankevitz would you like to create a jira feature request and add your votes to it! Thank you! (:

Added here: [DHIS2-12234] - Jira

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Thank you! I added the label CoP! (: