Disaggregating tracker DEs

Hi all,
What is the reasoning for not allowing disaggregates for tracker data element? I totally understand when your TEI is a person that you would create program indicators to aggregate attribute values. But we are increasingly asked to track and MAP other types of entities - like community based organizations or community structures. For example, we are tracking capacity strengthening of community organizations. We are using a tracker program because we want to collect LINKED DATA on those entities over time at regular intervals, but we need to 1) capture coordinates and 2) avoid adding them to the org unit hierarchy because they aren’t really geographic. However, we want to capture aggregate-style data (number of beneficiaries served by age and sex each quarter, for example), which are currently in scheduled program stages. Both the configuration (creating each individual disaggregate as a separate tracker data element) and analysis (having users see hundreds of data elements for the program, not being able to view it as a data dimension) are a struggle!
Is there another way around it or can we add this functionality?
Natalie T


Hi @Natalie_Tibbels,

That’s so insightful of you to bring this up. The @dhis2-tracker team will also check this out as other members contribute their insight on this.


Thank you!! Curious to see if others would use this feature. Another use case we have is capturing events where health services are offered in the community. We have multiple events each day in the same org unit (and we want to map the events as points) - so we can’t use aggregate data entry. I created an event program, but in order to log the number of services offered at each event by age, sex, and type of service, I have 289 individual data elements (e.g. STI screenings, male, 20-24y, STI screenings, male 25-29y…). And the program indicators/analytics are cluttered and a mess. Thanks for looking into it!

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Hi all, is this resolved now?
We want to create an event program to check vaccines given to children per age per gender but we can’t use data entry forms as we do not have reporting frequencies for this…


@CamilleR welcome to the DHIS2 community,

I think our EPI adviser, @kimberly, would know the answer to this.


any news on that ? thanks !

We are running into the same issue while testing an event/tracker program. We have loads of data from individual assessments and would like to be able to view based simply on gender, and potentially later on down the line by age. The fact that each event has a data element for gender (= male or female) associated with it seems like that should make it EASIER to roll up the data and view totals based on gender.

@Natalie_Tibbels , it seems like you have individual data elements for each of these disaggregations, and we have been building program indicators with gender filters to aggregate this data instead, but that requires an immense amount of extra work because as the number of data elements for each event get larger, there are at least 2 indicators that need to be built.

Before finding this thread, I assumed the solution would be to assign a category to a data element when it is created, potentially with an option set that matches the category options, and then these data elements would have that automatic disaggregation build it when working with the data.

I think as tracker programs become more common and might need to integrate into larger systems this feature would become more and more useful.

Hi Parker, I think we’re on the same page, but maybe would use this functionality for different things. In your case (if I’m understanding correctly), you have an event or a tracker enrollment for each individual assessment, and that event or TEI has attributes/data elements like age or gender, and then you use program indicators to aggregate. That makes sense and is what we are doing as well for individual client data or questionnaires.

This other case is when the event is something like a training or a community activity, and it’s not that you’re entering if the event itself is male or female or 16 years old, but at that one event, you want to know how many male and female attendees. Unless I missed a major functionality update in the last year (totally possible), we cannot assign categories/category options to tracker data elements, and thus we cannot have (for example) one data element for “number of attendees” disaggregated by gender. We have to make as many separate data elements as disaggregated fields we need. This also relates to another potential functionality, linking TEIs to events (you want the tracker programs to view cascades for individuals, and you want to log their participation in specific events).

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