Disable direct writing for data element type is coordination

Could u please help me how to disable direct writing for data element type is coordination, and enforce to use the circle icon which is close to filed coordination.


cc: @Gassim

I want to. As the coordinate x, y is enable and the use can write inside them. I want to prevent the user to write the coordinate x, y values and enforce him to use the circle button close to field.

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Kindly explain further using screenshots so it’s easier to understand for me please? Also, have you tried using program rules to control this data element.


@Gassim thanks for your cooperation and interested.
I want to freeze the two coordinate fields to prevent the user from editing them. This constraint will ensure that the user cannot modify the coordinates directly. Instead, I would like to force the user to click on the button located next to the coordinate fields in order to determine the geographical location.


This would be a valuable piece for us as well, but I don’t believe its supported as yet.
@sami.oracle10g see if this works as a start—add in more context though if you want!



Thanks for creating the feature request! :slight_smile:

@sami.oracle10g from your screenshot it appears that you are specifically using the android DHIS2 Capture app so would you like to create a similar feature request as @Matthew_Boddie but select the project (Android App for DHIS2)?


Done. [ANDROAPP-5493] - Jira


Thank you both for the feature requests! (:

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