DHIS2 version 2.31 Feature Videos

Do you want to see what’s new in DHIS2 version 2.31? Check out the feature videos.

MAP APPS: The new maps app has many additional features and enhancements that it make it the recommended tool. The overview is divided into 4 parts:

  • Part 1: Introduction to the New Maps App
  • Part 2: The Data Table
  • Part 3: Downloading Data
  • Part 4: Event Layer Legends/Styles

DATA VISUALIZER APP: In DHIS 2.31, a completely re-designed data visualizer app has been implemented. The new data visualizer app introduces a variety of modern interfaces and 2 new chart types. The overview is separated into three parts:

  • Part 1: Introduction to the New Data Visualizer App
  • Part 2: Disaggregations, Layout and Chart Options
  • Part 3: Year Over Year Charts

CAPTURE APP: In DHIS 2.31, a completely re-designed app for collecting events has been implemented called “Capture.” This new capture app provides enhanced functionality and new ways to enter event data into DHIS2. The overview is separated into two parts:

  • Part 1: Introduction to the New Capture App
  • Part 2: Registering New Events

MAINTENANCE UPDATES: This video overview discusses the updates that have been implemented in the maintenance app, namely enhanced search and column management.