DHIS2 TrainingLand Login Details

Hi, am doing my assignment on DHIS2 Level 1 Academy. However, I’m not able to get login credentials for the Trainingland, Kindly help!

Hi Philip,
Welcome to the community. Have you followed all the instructions in Module 2 - Introduction to DHIS2, 2.2 - Introduction to Trainingland: Your account on DHIS2 Trainingland

If you have what particular issue did you face?

In the course main page there’s an email for technical support. You can send an email with details of the specific technical issue that you’re facing.

Wish you all the best in the course. :blush:

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Hi! I’m trying to open an account in traiiningLand as described in the guided. But it seems something in configuration is missing.

and if I try to login by using my registered credentials, i recieve “Confirmation email failed to send” at the confirmation page. DHIS2 Trainingland: Log in to the site

Thanks in advance

Hi @rbarriosparra,

For support related to the DHIS2 Fundamentals course please send an email to fundamentals-support@dhis2.org

Please include the description above as well as the email address you are using in the academy.

Thank you!

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Email: fundamentals-support@dhis2.org for technical support in any of the DHIS2 Fundamentals courses. Thanks!