Is there a version of the DHIS2 Training App available that is compatible with v2.38?
Thank you for your question, and welcome back to the community!
Yes, there is a training app that’s compatible with v2.38. All training apps are uploaded to the releases in the dhis2-android-capture-app repository on Github. Please check out the latest release dhis2-v2.7_training.apk is compatible: Releases · dhis2/dhis2-android-capture-app · GitHub
Hi @Gassim
Thanks for your response, but I meant the DHIS2 Training App. A colleague sent me this link (DHIS2 App Hub) which shows the latest version is v1.2.0 compatible with DHIS2 2.30 - 2.37, and nothing available for 2.38.
Most of our databases where we would like to use this app are on 2.38, which is why I hoped somebody may have information on a version for 2.38.
Sorry for the misunderstanding, we also call the android app apk which can be download outside of play “training app!”
The Training web app is an app developed by another organization (EyeSeeTea) and we’ve got community members from EyeSeeTea! I hope Lucia Montoya @luciafm and Alexis Rico @sferadev if you a minute do you have an insight whether there will be an update that’s compatible with the latest versions?
Thank you!
Hi @Lyn_Pennington sorry for the late reply! I hope you already saw that Training App is compatible with v2.38 and you can download it from DHIS2 App Hub Please let us know if you have any doubt or feedback
Thanks @Gassim!