DHIS2 Tracker App on windows OS

I have a DHIS2 V.2.30 running on Windows 10 Server, I have HP tablets with windows 10 OS and I wanted to use tracker app with them to collect data from the fields remotely. The Tracker App is built for Android only, how can I go bout this?

Seth Okeyo

Data Analyst & Project Assistant – Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance

US Army Medical Research Directorate-Africa

P.O.Box 606 -00621

Nairobi , Kenya

Tel: +254-727389149

Email: seth.okeyo@usamru-k.org


Hi @sokeyo,

The only way you could run an android app on windows OS is through an android emulator. You could try MEmu or BlueStacks.
I don’t know how performance will be and if all android features will be supported.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:


Hi @sokeyo

I have used BlueStacks as mentioned by @Pablo and this does work. It is very focused towards mobile gaming (this may become an issue with your field implementers?).

I am busy using it on my computer to test some of the App features and also to create protocols. However, I do find that with BlueStacks, the DHIS2 sync is very slow and the app crashes often. I struggle to get the sync to reflect effectively and the GPS coordinates do not load through the Map view. The app is also relatively slow for data entry in my experience. This may be attributed to the speed of my computer, but I cannot imagine it being any better on a tablet or on the “average” computer (i.e. not a high performance machine).

Therefore, if you are looking to use this for actual implementation (and not just to create protocols etc.) I would suggest looking for another application. I have not tried MEmu, but hope that this is better.

Just my 2 cents!

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This is great feedback; thank you @Terence_Scott!

Thank you @Pablo and @Terence_Scott for your feedback, I’m actually planning to use it in collecting data from a site remortely and the tablets at the site are running on windows 10, the DHIS2 server here is also on windows Server. Let me try the bluestacks and see how it goes, if it cant work I’ll try the MEmu or if anyone has another suggestion can really help.

Seth Okeyo

Data Analyst & Project Assistant – Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance

US Army Medical Research Directorate-Africa

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Hi @Pablo and @Terence_Scott,
I tried the BlueStacks and its true,it’s too slow to do anything with, it even slows down the machine, I finally removed the windows OS and installed android 8 on the tablets and it finally worked quite okay.
Thanks for your timely responses
Seth Okeyo