Dhis2 support and understaing

Hello community,

I have this task that i want to perform but i donot know how i can implement it in dhis so i need your ideas and help.

Here is the task:

there is an activity (but it like type of event) called standard visit in order for a company to start operating the responsible authority incharge of standard should come for an inspection for the standards

so i want to implement a task were if a company wants a standard visit that authority should first send them something like a form to fill some basic data that will again be sent to the authority for it to come to make an inspection for your company.

so to implement this task in dhis2:

first a company requests an standard visit.

  1. authority sends a basic data form to fill out and send back to the authority.

  2. the authority analyses the data sent and then schedule when the standard visit inspection event to take place.

Hi @mugisha_alain

It’s possible to have this in the aggregate model or in the tracker model depending on the requested information.

I think it’s important to have more detailed information about the implementation. This might sound complicated but there are a set of questions to ask and scenarios to imagine.

In my own thinking - quickly and shortly, here’s an example of some points I would try to understand? We need to answer the main data dimensions questions:

  • What: What exactly is the data we need to collect? Aggregate or tracker? In your case (company) or (responsible authority)? If the ‘what’ is a specific “responsible authority” then this is probably a tracked entity instance because each time we will be ‘tracking’ a responsible authority; on the other hand, if the ‘standard visit’ is simply a report that will be filled with data that is not specific to ‘individual’

  • When: How often do we want the data to be collected? Do we have any time restrictions/conditions? If we are using aggregate then it could be a weekly/monthly/yearly period, but if it’s in the tracker model then like you mentioned it could be an event.

  • Where? If they are multiple companies then the companies could be ‘facility’ level… Or maybe if it’s a single company but we would like to get more details for each department and maybe even office in the company then we’d have a different hierarchy structure…

I don’t know what challenges you’re facing at this point, but I recommend two things:

  1. Check out the metadata packages documentation (About the DHIS2 Health Data Toolkit - DHIS2 Documentation) You could see in the different health programs and how many things needs to be considered during the design and configuration of a program.

  2. Follow the Learning Path of a DHIS2 Implementer (Learning Paths - DHIS2)

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