DHIS2 Real Time Stock tool, overview and implementation experience

Hi everyone,

This past week I took part in a webinar where I presented the DHIS2 Real Time Stock tool and was joined by the ICRC who presented the implementation of the tool in their projects. The presentations and discussions are focused on how to apply this tool in humanitarian and emergency settings for end-to-end supply chain visibility. See the recording below.

WEBINAR: https://youtu.be/CuJ1CZxqOxc

You can also test the tool in our public demo site here: DHIS 2 - LMIS
Download DHIS2 Capture app from the Google Play Store and use the credentials on the login page above.

Lastly, you can also join IAPHL and Humanitarian Commodities Logistics Community of Practice where many SCM professionals collaborate through knowledge sharing, technical updates and training opportunities. HCL is a place within the IAPHL community to share information, learnings, and discussions related to the pharmaceutical supply chain specifically in the humanitarian and emergency context.

The webinar was part of the Building Capacity to Improve Commodity Management in Humanitarian and Disaster Settings project, which has the goal to build the capacity of staff working with humanitarian organizations, including international organizations and local NGOs, to manage pharmaceutical and medical commodity (PMC) supply chains in humanitarian settings. The project is managed by JSI with funding from USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA). Learn more: Building Capacity to Improve Health Commodity Management in Humanitarian and Disaster Settings - JSI


Hi Breno,

Thank you so much for sharing this valuable resource.

If I understand correctly, the use of DHIS2-LMIS is only foreseen at the health facility level. Am I right?

In this case, an NGO that has a central warehouse, distributes to other peripheral warehouses, and from these distributes to hospitals/health facilities, could not use the system to have a real-time control of stock in, consumption, and stock on hand at all levels. Is this correct?

Thank you,