DHIS2 React-based Reports


A Report is a metadata element with sharing settings that displays a custom HTML page inside DHIS2. This metadata type has been available in DHIS2 for several years, but they haven’t changed much on newer versions and the recommended way to build them is with outdated technologies such as jQuery.

However, in the latest years, the whole DHIS2 community has embraced React as the preferred way of building custom applications or dashboard widgets.

What if your team could write Standard Reports the same way they write a custom app?

What if you could use the App Platform, the Data Query Engine, and the same modern visual components as the rest of DHIS2?

Join us next Tuesday 21 June from 10:30-12:00 in the Local innovations parallel session to learn more and see some examples of real-world reports built by EyeSeeTea for their clients.


  • Alexis Rico, Senior Software Engineer, Xata
  • Adrian Quintana, Lead Project Manager, EyeSeeTea

Looking forward to this Alexis, was looking everywhere for such a custom app for reports.