Super and Thank you very much @phil and all developer team
could u please confirm the following issues I have faced with the previous version:
1: Predictors couldn’t transfer the values of the category option correctly.
2: Event report columns display in the output table unorderly against the sequence of adding them one by one.
Greetings @phil Happy New Year Just curious do we plan to release 2.40.7 soon? Was looking forward for a jira " Registering new TEI fails with OWNERSHIP_ACCESS_DENIED" [DHIS2-18551] - Jira
Please can you raise your issues in our bug tracking system on Jira. (You can also search to see if they have already been raised, and then follow them). If issues are not clearly defined and raised in Jira, our development team won’t know they need to be fixed.
Note that if you go to our downloads page you can get an indication of target patch release dates from the " When is the next patch for my version?" section!
We try to keep that up to date for upcoming patches.