DHIS2 patch release 2.38.1 is now available

Dear all,

DHIS2 version 2.38.1 (patch release) is out with bug fixes and enhancements.

This is the latest stable release for version 2.38, and supersedes release 2.38.0.

The release note for this patch can be found here: Patch 2.38.1 Release Note.


DHIS2 Release Team

Release Information Links
Release Note Patch 2.38.1 Release Note
Upgrade notes 2.38 Upgrade notes
Download release and sample database Downloads - DHIS2
Documentation and Javadocs Home - DHIS2 Documentation
Source code on Github Release 2.38.1 · dhis2/dhis2-core · GitHub
Demo instance DHIS 2 Demo - Sierra Leone
Docker docker pull dhis2/core:2.38.1
for more docker image variants see dockerhub

Dear Philip Larsen Donnelly ,

I hope this message finds you well, in DHIS2 Localization Section there is an issue while changing language from English to any other language the Organization Unit is not changed in Data Entry App
Please let me know the Solution. In Maintenance Organization it is perfectly working but not in Data Entry App.

Thank you
Mohammad Ayub Yousafzai

1 Like

Hi @mohammadayub864,

Please try cleaning the cache with the “Browser Cache Cleaner” app, and see if that fixes the issue you are seeing.
I hope that solves your problem.
I have tested this with a “dummy” French translation on our demo site, and it works for me.

Kind regards,

Dear Philip Larsen Donnelly,
Thank you for your reply, I did Browser Cache Cleaner App many times even though I cleaned the history of browser but not worked.

I also checked in demo it does not work , please in demo change Sierra Leone and Bo then check is it working ?

Thank you
With Best Regards
Mohammad Ayub Yousafzai

There seem to be some issues with the instance on the demo server, but I tried on another instance that we had for testing the release:

It didn’t show immediately, but I cleared the application cache (Data Admin → Maintenance → Clear Application Cache) and the browser cache, and then the metadata translations were displayed for Sierra Leone and Bo OUs.

Edit: here is an example on the “play” demo:

Kind regards,

Hi again @mohammadayub864,

Just to follow up, I’ve been testing this a bit more and I am getting inconsistent behaviour (at least on 2.38). I’ll raise an issue in Jira to track and to understand what is happening.

Dear Philip Larsen Donnelly,
You are right , What you said I did all before, Translation is an issue but sometimes it shows duplicates the Organization Unit.

Please recommend till fixed issue what version to use that is best.

Mohammad Ayub Yousafzai