This release is a particular type that we call a HOTFIX. These are special releases that we make to fix specific critical issues. We make the release by taking the previous version and applying only the target fix or fixes; allowing us to release quickly and with low risk.
As a consequence, HOTFIXES cause all of the fixes that are ready for the “next” patch, to be bumped to the subsequent patch. In your case, yes, DHIS2-12518 will now be included in 2.36.10.
Note that HOTFIXES don’t change the timeline for nominal fixes to get into the next patches. For example, if we had not released 2.36.9 as a HOTFIX, then it would not be released yet, but would be released some time in late April. Therefore, 2.36.10 should now be released in late April - when 2.36.9 would have been released (if we had no HOTFIX).
Kind regards,
(Adrian Quintana - Project Manager at EyeSeeTea)
Thanks for your quick reply @phil. Understood! We will wait for the release in late April to get this fixed. Just one final question, where can we find the estimated release date for future versions? We were browsing around in Jira (Versions - Jira) but couldn’t find that information.
If you mean release date for patches, we deliberately don’t publish our target dates as they can change due to many factors. The rule of thumb is that in general we try to release the next patch approximately two months after the last. (Note that we are currently entering the final testing phase for 2.38, and we usually slow down maintenance patch releases during major releases).
For major releases, we try to stick to a more firm timeline, and you can find a clearer overview of that on our Roadmap.