DHIS2 patch release 2.36.8 is now available - IMPORTANT FIX FOR ANDROID USERS

Dear all,

DHIS2 version 2.36.8 (patch release) is out with bug fixes and enhancements.

This is the latest stable release for version 2.36, and supersedes releases 2.36.0 to 2.36.7.

This patch has been release on a short timescale specifically to address an issue in 2.36.7 that can prevent events data from being pulled from the server to Android devices.

It is also worth noting that, following popular demand, this patch re-introduces the facility to include zero values in analytics tables. Note, however, that we continue to strongly caution against the possible performance impact of storing zeros unnecessarily.

The release note for this patch can be found here: Patch 2.36.8 Release Note.


DHIS2 Release Team

Release Information Links
Release Note Patch 2.36.8 Release Note
Upgrade notes 2.36 Upgrade notes
Download release and sample database https://www.dhis2.org/downloads
Documentation and Javadocs https://docs.dhis2.org/
Source code on Github Release 2.36.8 · dhis2/dhis2-core · GitHub
Demo instance https://play.dhis2.org/2.36.8/
Docker docker pull dhis2/core:2.36.8
for more docker image variants see dockerhub

Thanks @phil for this. Looking at the issue, it looks like 2.35.11 is not affected by the bug, but 2.35.12 is listed in the affected versions. I’m also confirming that this has 0 relevance to which android version is being used (2.4.3, 2.5.0, 2.5.1). So, basically, is this correct?:

2.36.7 2.36.8 2.35.11 2.35.12 (not released)
2.4.3 Can’t Pull Events No Issue No Issue Can’t Pull Events
2.5.0 Can’t Pull Events No Issue No Issue Can’t Pull Events
2.5.1 Can’t Pull Events No Issue No Issue Can’t Pull Events

Hi @Matthew_Boddie ,

The bug was initially also introduced in the development version of 2.35 (2.35.12-SNAPSHOT) but has been fixed there too, so when it is released 2.35.12 will not contain the issue.

Regarding the Android version, I confirm that this was a core server issue and will impact users of 2.36.7 regardless of Android Capture app version.

Kind regards,