DHIS2 patch release 2.35.12 is now available - HOTFIX

Dear all,

DHIS2 version 2.35.12 (patch release) is out as a HOTFIX.

This HOTFIX patch release reverts the fix for
DHIS2-8868: Adding custom attribute to program indicator breaks metadata export
as that has been found to result in a more critical issue in the case that a data elements with custom attributes is shared between multiple tracker programs.

This is the latest stable release for version 2.35, and supersedes releases 2.35.0 to 2.35.11.

The release note for this patch can be found here: Patch 2.35.12 Release Note.

DHIS2 Release Team

Release Information Links
Release Note Patch 2.35.12 Release Note
Upgrade notes 2.35 Upgrade notes
Download release and sample database https://www.dhis2.org/downloads
Documentation and Javadocs Home - DHIS2 Documentation
Source code on Github Release 2.35.12 · dhis2/dhis2-core · GitHub
Demo instance https://play.dhis2.org/2.35.12/
Docker docker pull dhis2/core:2.35.12
for more docker image variants see dockerhub

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