DHIS2 patch release 2.34.6 is now available

Dear all,

DHIS2 version 2.34.6 (patch release) is out with bug fixes and enhancements.

This is the latest stable release for version 2.34, and supersedes releases 2.34.0 to 2.34.5.

The release note for this patch can be found here: Patch 2.34.6 Release Note.


DHIS2 Release Team

Release Information Links
Release Note Patch 2.34.6 Release Note
Upgrade notes 2.34 Upgrade notes
Download release and sample database Downloads - DHIS2
Documentation and Javadocs Home - DHIS2 Documentation
Source code on Github Release 2.34.6 Β· dhis2/dhis2-core Β· GitHub
Demo instance https://play.dhis2.org/2.34.6/
Docker docker pull dhis2/core:2.34.6
for more docker image variants see dockerhub

Hi @phil ,

Thank you for great job. @phil, I have downloaded update and faced immediately problem:
my program rules, which marked to run inside program stages, are not working . This is what I have now.

My previous version was 2.34.5
Everything was working perfectly fine :frowning:

What it maybe?
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Regards, Ulanbek

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Hi @Ulanbek

Thanks for flagging this. I’m going to pass it on to the team…

Hey @Ulanbek !
It seems you found a bug that might be triggered on some program rules with ASSIGN actions attached. I reproduced it and created a jira here; [DHIS2-11403] - Jira

There is a possible workaround described in the issue. Please add to the issue if you have another way of reproducing than I described, and please test wether the workaround will work for you as well.

Best reagards,

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Hey @Markus ,

Markus here is the my original expression:
d2:concatenate(β€˜20’,A{Last two numbers of the clients year of birth},β€˜-’,d2:left(A{Month of birth},2),β€˜-’,A{Day of birth})
and another one:
#{Client case number --previous-event} + 1

I have tried many different ways, including:
d2:concatenate(β€˜20’,β€˜β€™,A{Last two numbers of the clients year of birth},β€˜-’,d2:left(d2:concatenate(β€˜β€™,A{Month of birth}),2),β€˜-’,d2:concatenate(β€˜β€™,A{Day of birth}))

By the JS logic d2:concatenate(β€˜β€™,#{Client case number --previous-event}) + 1 will be equal
β€˜1’+β€˜1’=β€˜11’ not β€˜2’. So how we will fix this one?

The same result. Any suggestions?
Additionally all my programStage PRs are collapsed and not working :frowning:

Any quick update for 2.34.6 update? :slight_smile:


Hey @Ulanbek , thanks for getting back so quickly.
Just to be clear, the expressions you paste above is assignment expressions that will be evaluated and assigned to another program rule variable?

Can you try;
d2:concatenate(β€˜β€™,β€˜20’,A{Last two numbers of the clients year of birth},’-’,d2:left(A{Month of birth},2),’-’,A{Day of birth})
d2:concatenate(’’,(#{Client case number --previous-event} + 1))

Additionally all my programStage PRs are collapsed and not working

Can you provide a little more detail on this? I assume you mean program rules that is assigned to run in one specific program stage? It would also be great with some more details on what you mean by β€œcollapsed” - do you see them executing but failing? Does it look like they are not executed at all?

Hi @Markus,
I have tried what you suggested, but failed again:

expression d2:concatenate(’’,(#{Client case number --previous-event} + 1))

d2:concatenate(’’,#{Client case number --previous-event} + 1)

d2:concatenate(’’,β€˜20’,A{Last two numbers of the clients year of birth},’-’,d2:left(A{Month of birth},2),’-’,A{Day of birth}) this one as well doesn’t work…

By the β€œcollapsed” I meant entire PRs are crushed as soon as the PR engine pass any ASSIGN PRactions. So from that point the PR-engine completely stop to work. Everything, which were hidden stay unhidden, no PRs are working at all.

So it seems you need set the priority higher on JIRA and fix the issue ASAP.

Thank you.
Regards, Ulanbek