DHIS2 patch release 2.33.4 is now available

Dear all,

DHIS2 version 2.33.4 (patch release) is out with bug fixes and enhancements. Data Approvals is also back!

This is the latest stable release for version 2.33, and supersedes releases 2.33.0 to 2.33.3.

The release note for this patch can be found here: Patch 2.33.4 Release Note.



Release Information Links
Release Note Patch 2.33.4 Release Note
Upgrade notes 2.33 Upgrade notes
Download release and sample database Downloads - DHIS2
Documentation and Javadocs Home - DHIS2 Documentation
Source code on Github Release 2.33.4 · dhis2/dhis2-core · GitHub
Demo instance https://play.dhis2.org/2.33.4/
Docker docker pull dhis2/core:2.33.4
for more docker image variants see dockerhub

Merci :hugs:

Great! Thanks Phil and developers team! :clap:

Thank you so much.

We’ve to upgrade our version from .2 to .4 .

Dear @phil, @Lars, @Scott and all staff,
I wrote more than 1 moths ago, asking for information about the patching of the bugs, but no answer till now. The issues are not resolved neither in 2.34.0, nor in 2.33.4.

The feature of the Option Group Set dimensions is described in the v.2.31

but it is not functioning neither in 2.33.4, nor in 2.34.0.

It is very important for the decision management of MOH, even more now, when it is important to have groups with diagnosis who may be more vulnerable to COVID-19 infection.

On the Jira there is no information about when it is planed to resolve it. Please give me some information about it

[DHIS2-8729] - Option Group Set - No dimension created

  • will permit to create different groupings of ICD-10 diagnosis
  1. Classification/aggregation of the event diagnosis by ICD-10 Chapters (I to XXII) - see the WHO documentation https://icd.who.int/browse10/2019
  2. Classification/aggregation of the event diagnosis by ICD-10 letter - (A, B, C, …Z, U)
  3. Classification/aggregation of the event diagnosis by ICD-10 by the WHO Global Health Estimates (GHE) - https://www.who.int/healthinfo/global_burden_disease/en/
  4. Other aggregation of the Captured Events based on specific disease groups.

The feature is already described in the documentation - see
22.10.4 Create or edit an option group set

but is still not working - the 2.34 documentation is the same for this item.

There are also this 2 issue not resolved end also not assigned
[DHIS2-8730] Capture Web App - Event list Filter - type mismatch

  • it don’t permit to search for a string of only digits in the event list filter - for example to find a record as some File Identifier with only numbers. If you have at least one letter, the problem doesn’t exist, but usually in some hospitals the file identifier is composed by only digits. The Predefined event views in Capture app can’t be used in many cases because of this problem.

[DHIS2-8648] - Headerbar app menu and user menu is cut off in RTL mode

  • it don’t permit to visualize correctly the settings menu from the Capture App when the Left to Right Arabic user interface is used.


Dear @antonia,

Thank you for following up on these things.

I’ll follow up and make sure that the product managers are aware of these issues.
The product managers have the unenviable task of prioritising many (hundreds of) open issues based on a variety of factors (including the “pain” of users such as yourself!).

Even things that have been prioritised, with a fairly high rank, can take a while to get out into a patch; so I can’t make any promises on when these things will get in. But I do encourage you to keep bugging us and telling us how you are impacted by the issues!

Just as an aside, I would not pay too much attention to the “assigned” attribute. The state of the ticket is more important
TO DO: These have been accepted as an issue (e.g. reproducible) but may not have been prioritised yet.
PLANNED: These have been prioritised and will be implemented “in the future” (still could be several patches, or releases, away depending on priority)
IN PROGRESS: These are being worked on so will very likely be in the next patch.

I can chase up to get these into PLANNED state…

Kind regards,

Dear @phil,
Thank you for your attention and support to make the issues PLANNED. With our common effort we can make the platform better, more bug less and useful.
I think that the Option Group Set dimension is a very useful feature not only for our implementation but to make useful statistics for the decision making process for many MOHs and ONGs (including preparing reports for WHO), and I’ll continue to bugging you and the product managers in order to make it PLANNED and then DONE.

Kind regards,

Hi @phil, @Stian, @Lars,
the users of our system asked me again when the issue [DHIS2-8729] - created 28/Apr/20 - ([DHIS2-8729] - Jira) - Capture Web App - Event list Filter - type mismatch - will be resolved. This bug fix is very important for our system because if in one health center where you have 20.000 events entered and you want to check and correct some of them, the only way to find it is using the filter on the File Identifier field. But if you can’t do this filter (caused by this bug) it is impossible to perform the corrections and make your work correctly.

Moreover this is not a new feature - this is a future which worked correctly in our previous versions (2.29) and the people are used to using it. I think that when releasing a new version it is important to test also if all features already present in the previous and still supported by the current one are worked correctly.

Please give me some information on when the bug will be fixed.