DHIS2 LIVE Dash Board

Dear DHIS Folks,

Can you please suggest me how can we make dash board using real data instead using DHIS analytics.

Hi Ramesh,

If you are able you could increase the frequency of you analytics tables to hourly, but this could be very taxing to your server given your serve specs and the size of your database.

In 2.35 you there is a continuous analytics functionality to provide your dashboard real-time data.

If these will not work for you then you could consider connecting your DHIS2 API to another analytics tools like PowerBI or Tableu.

Thanks Scott for your reply,Is there any way to connect power BI or Tablue to DHIS2 thourgh the api’s instead Data base?.Also can you please suggest me where can i see the continuous analytics functionality in DHIS2.35

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Note that continuous analytics is available from 2.34, here is the documentation for this feature

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Hi, You can find connecter applications between PowerBI and Tableu on our website. https://apps.dhis2.org/

Hi Scott, trying to install POWER BI Connector on my server in app management it is giving error message failed to install app.