DHIS2 Issues - data entry and data visualizer

Dear DHIS2 Community,
we face the following issues within the DHIS2 of our organization.

  1. data entry (beta): few minutes after using it, it appears the following message “something went wrong”. What is the problem? I do not think it is a problem of Tomcat.

  2. the two screenshots below explain the type of weird discrepancies the team here has been experiencing. When generating the same pivot today, the same ‘42’ figure appears for April at Abobo HC, despite having ‘21’ on the entry page (both run at the same time). What is the technical problem ?

Thank you in advance for your precious assistance.

Hi @p.belardi. Sorry you’re having problems here.

This looks like a bug, but we need some more information to figure out what the problem is.

Could you click on the “Show technical details” text from in that error and then copy the results here? It would also help if you can also share what you did in the app before you got the error.

Hi Thomas,
please find below the text:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘id’)
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘id’)
at CUAMM Health Information System
at Array.map ()
at Qd (CUAMM Health Information System)
at ea (CUAMM Health Information System)
at Es (CUAMM Health Information System)
at Ol (CUAMM Health Information System)
at Sl (CUAMM Health Information System)
at gl (CUAMM Health Information System)
at CUAMM Health Information System
at t.unstable_runWithPriority (CUAMM Health Information System)
in Qd
in tbody
in a
in Unknown
in table
in c
in lc
in div
in sc
in Unknown
in div
in main
in div
in w
in Dc
in Nc
in div
in div
in Mc
in Rc
in Yc
in div
in v
in fo
in Ta
in T
in t
in L
in t
in t
in l
in f
in Bc
in $c
in Xc
in Suspense
in Cr
in div
in div
in Nr
in Pe
in we
in Oe
in ke
in Ne
in f
in te
in pe
in X
in DHIS2RuntimeProvider
in zr
in Dr
in lr
in Cr
in Fr
in qr

I was inserting data in cells when the error appeard.

Hi @p.belardi: it looks like you might be using a Section form. It’s still a bit hard to diagnose the problem but something is missing an id, so there’s presumably an issue with metadata configuration. It might be that a section is missing an id for the data set (you could check with an api query like api/dataSets?fields=id,name,sections[id,name] and see if there are any results where a section has a name, but not an id.

If it’s not that, it might also be an issue on the level of an individual data element or indicator, so it might make sense to try to try to identify if there are any that are causing problems (e.g. by trying to form without various items, and seeing if it works).

If you can reproduce the problem on one of our demo servers (https://play.dhis2.org/), we can also look into the detail and fix on our end.

Hi @tzemp ,
thank you .
I tried to check a missing ID for the data set, it seems everything is working well. The same at data element level.
I kindly ask you to briefly instruct me on how to reproduce the problem on one of our demo severs .

Hi @p.belardi

Have you please tried to use it on your browser’s Guest mode (Browse Chrome as a guest - Computer - Google Chrome Help)? Just to be 100% sure that cache is not causing this.

If the issue appears even when using Guest mode. Could you share the complete URL without the domain name (starting from /index.html#/?dataSetId=.....) so that I could suggest you check certain API URL and compare.

Hi @Gassim ,
thank you. I tried with the Guest mode and it happens the same.
Here is the URL: /index.html#/?dataSetId=wH9m9Mv3lZa&orgUnitId=mLy4AsorJPJ&periodId=202412&sectionFilter=zrhxRXMk1he


Hi @p.belardi : in terms of reproducing the problem on the demo server, we just ask that you try to use the demo server and see if you get the same problem. Unfortunately, at the moment, we on the development team do not have enough information to figure out what the bug actually is, so we cannot fix it. If you see the problem on the demo server, we will be able to look at things in more detail and fix the problem.

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Are you able to do a screen recording of what you are doing when the error happens, and see if there is a specific data element (and its value type) that triggers the error?


Thank you all for your replies.
It seems that the system is now working following some adjustements on the category options.
I have insted a problem concerning data entry/data visualizer.

The two screenshots below explain the type of weird discrepancies the team here has been experiencing. When generating the same pivot today, the same ‘42’ figure appears for April at Abobo HC, despite having ‘21’ on the entry page (both run at the same time). What is the technical problem ?

Thank you in advance for your precious assistance.

That’s great to hear! would you please share what was the exact issue and the solution?

Could we move this to a new topic post since it’s a different issue? Please make sure to run the analytics tables export, clear cache, and then check using your browser’s Guest mode Browse Chrome as a guest - Computer - Google Chrome Help (to ensure no cache issue).