DHIS2 for Immunization: Webinar on Data Quality Principles and Functionalities

Webinar on Data Quality principles and functionalities

Are you interested in Data Quality?

We invite you to a webinar scheduled to take place on Tuesday 16 January, 14:00 - 15:00 (CET) to explore how DHIS2 can be used to analyse and strengthen data quality, improving the ability of the system to support evidence-based decision-making. DHIS2 experts will explain key functionalities, implementation considerations and lessons learned from countries.

Whether you are a Ministry representative, a country stakeholder, a donor or a global partner, register now for this free event here and you will receive a link to the webinar before the event takes place.

This webinar is organized by HISP-UiO with support from GAVI.

Webinaire sur les principes et fonctionnalités de la qualité des données

Rejoignez-nous pour un webinaire qui aura lieu le jeudi 18 janvier, 13:00 - 14:30 (T.U) sur les principes et fonctionnalitĂ©s de la qualitĂ© de donnĂ©es. Nous verrons comment DHIS2 peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ© pour analyser et renforcer la qualitĂ© des donnĂ©es, amĂ©liorer la capacitĂ© de votre systĂšme afin de soutenir la prise de decision factuelle.

Les experts de DHIS2 expliqueront les fonctionnalités clés, les considerations à prendre en
compte lors d’une implementation et les leçons tirĂ©es des pays.

Que vous soyez un reprĂ©sentant de ministĂšre, un bailleur de fonds ou un partenaire mondial, inscrivez-vous dĂšs maintenant Ă  cet Ă©vĂ©nement gratuit ICI et vous recevrez un lien vers le webinaire avant que l’évĂ©nement n’ait lieu.

Ce webinaire est organisé par HISP-UiO avec le soutien de GAVI.


Thank you a lot i appreciate you how invite me on-time

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Registered.Thanks for the info

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Hi all! Thank you to everyone who joined us for the English webinar earlier today!

We have a few questions we did not have time to answer - @Shurajit_Dutta can you please help us out here?

  1. Is the min/max functionality a manual process or is it set based on the values entered?

  2. Is there any parameter based on the completeness of the dataset or the variables themselves?

  3. Data dimension - the WHO app only has 3 programmatic areas. Can other programmes be added?

  4. Does the app consider the zeros as true missing values?

Should anyone have further questions or comments, please do not hesitate to post a comment in this thread! You are welcome to do so both in EN and FR.

Thank you

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Dear all, thank you for attending today’s webinar. The recording of the webinar is available on the DHIS2 YouTube channel and the presentation can be found here.

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Hi Vitto, thanks for posing these as follow-up.

  1. Is the min/max functionality a manual process or is it set based on the values entered?

Min-Max values need to be set, they are not automatically available. The same is true of outlier values, you need to calculate them,

For now, we suggest setting min-max values outside of DHIS2 (and have provided some tools for doing so); however outliers can be set directly within DHIS2.

  1. Is there any parameter based on the completeness of the dataset or the variables themselves?

I am not sure I understand this fully, as you can have both data set completeness and/or data element completeness configured for routine review.

  1. Data dimension - the WHO app only has 3 programmatic areas. Can other programmes be added?

It is up to you to configure the program areas that you want to review. The only constraint here is the system itself and the data it collects which will vary by implementation.

  1. Does the app consider the zeros as true missing values?

If you are recording and storing zeros, then zeros are not considered missing values. Missing values would only be considered if there is NO value for a particular organisation unit and period.


Thank you for the answers @Shurajit_Dutta !

Re: question 2 (“Is there any parameter based on the completeness of the dataset or the variables themselves?”)- I think a good example that could be checked out to better understand how to set up routine checks on variables’ completeness is present in the Malaria data quality dashboard available in the HMIS demo - screenshot below. The same principle can of course be set up for all the health programmes and tailored to the local implementations.

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Thank you for responding

Merci encore de nous avoir rejoint pour la version française de ce webinaire trĂšs populaire ! Mieux vaut plus tard que jamais, j’ai enfin le temps de poster ici les questions restĂ©es en suspens de la sĂ©ance :

  1. Pouvons-nous analyser uniquement les données agrégées ou pouvons-nous également utiliser les données provenant des trackers ?
  2. Est-il possible de visualiser les formules ?
  3. Les pathologies ou les événements pour lesquels ce rapport est produit sont prédéfinis ou pouvons-nous adapter les sorties en fonction des besoins ?

Je demanderai gentiment à notres incroyables présentateurs (@ksiliadin @Amza et @gastonharera )de répondre à ces questions.


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