DHIS2 for education in emergency contexts?

Hello, are there examples of use of DHIS2 for education data in emergency contexts? This could include covid-19, conflict, forced displacement, natural disasters, etc.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Hello Sebastien, thanks for bringing up that question.
DHIS2 is being used widely for emergency contexts by the likes of MSF and for a range of uses related to COVID, but so far not that widely when it comes to education data. The best case currently is HISP Uganda’s agile expansion of the EMIS instance focused on just a handful of districts to rapidly enable collection of key education sector data country wide as part of the pandemic response. Furthermore, the same team is now in discussion with the government to also include some focus districts that have high refugee populations. Some of this work was presented on the first day of the Annual Conference, but the Uganda team will of course have more details. Here is the link: