DHIS2 Android Settings Web App version 2.4.1 is released

We are pleased to inform you that the version (2.4.1) of the Android Settings web application has been released.

This version has mainly added the following features:

  • Configurable precision: Admins can now configure the minimum accepted accuracy for location data. This feature ensures that only precise location data is captured, enhancing the overall quality and reliability of collected data.

  • Disable manual coordinate: Administrators can now disable manual location capture per program using a new checkbox field. This parameter ensures that users can only capture their current location, maintaining consistency and accuracy in location data.

  • Default values for maximum file size: When setting up the ASWA for the first time, the default value for this feature is now set to null instead of 0, preventing issues where the app would not download any resources when the limit was set to 0.

  • Android App version compatibility: Properties will now display the minimum Android app version required ensuring users are aware of the compatibility requirements.

Full list of features and bug fixing can be found here

This web app is compatible with 41, 40, 2.39, 2.38, and 2.37, although several of the new features are only available from the 41 version. We recommend always using the latest patch versions.

If you plan to use this web app, the following considerations should be taken:

  • The use of this app will overwrite the local settings of all Android devices using the DHIS2 Android Capture app for a given DHIS2 instance.

  • If you select the encryption checkbox, it will affect the local database of all Android devices synchronizing with the server for a given DHIS2 instance.

  • This version is compatible with the previous versions, which means that the settings stored from those versions will apply.


Release Information Link
Download app from the App Hub https://apps.dhis2.org/
Documentation Android Settings Web App doc

Please report any issues you find in Jira (Component: [App] Android Settings app)