DHIS2 Android Settings Web App version 2.3.1 is released

Dear DHIS2 community,

We are pleased to inform you that the version (2.3.1) of the Android Settings web application has been released.

This version of the Settings App contains new features for adjusting the data entry user experience on the Android DHIS2 Capture App. In the latest version of the Android Capture App (v 2.9), admin users can disable the referral option when creating events in tracker programs if not needed, decide if they want the sections collapsed or expanded in the forms and create a personalized header for the TEIs. In addition to those features, we have introduced the possibility to opt-in to advanced new features. In this version the data entry forms have been completely redesigned and admins can decide if they want to keep using the new ones or test and deploy the new designs. This version also includes bug-fixing, refactoring and the possibility to use translations in the Webapp.

This is the list of Jira tickets.

This web app is compatible with V40 and earlier versions of DHIS2. We recommend to always use the latest patch versions.

If you plan to use this web app, the following considerations should be taken:

  • The use of this app will overwrite the local sync settings of all Android devices using the DHIS2 Android Capture app for a given DHIS2 instance. When using the Webapp, settings are centralized
  • Only users with β€˜ALL’ authority are able to use this app to configure the parameters for synchronization, encryption, etc. Other users having access to this app will be able to see the configuration but will not be able to edit any values.
  • If you select the encryption checkbox, it will affect the local database of all Android devices synchronizing with the server for a given DHIS2 instance.
  • This version is compatible with the previous versions, which means that the settings stored and already configured will apply.


Release Information Link
Download app from the App Hub https://apps.dhis2.org/
Documentation Android Settings Web App doc

Please report any issues you find in jira (Component: [App] Android Settings app)