DHIS2 Android Capture App version 2.1 is released

Dear all,

DHIS2 Android Capture App 2.1 is out with many new features, improvements and bug fixes! This version is fully compatible with the DHIS2 version 2.34.


Increase Row Headers: The length of the first column in datasets is now calculated to show the full text for the Data Elements names. Users can also adjust the width to adapt it better to their screen size.

Jira | Screenshot


Group view of Program stages in TEI Dashboard: The TEI Dashboard offers now the possibility to change the list of events from the chronological view to a stage grouping view. The stage grouping view will group and collapse the events per program stage. Each program stage group can be expanded by the user and the events will be displayed chronologically.

Jira | Jira2 | Screenshot | Screenshot2 | Documentation

Filtering added in TEI Dashboard: Filters have been added to the TEI dashboard. It is possible to filter the events of a Tracked Entity Instance enrollment per period, organisation unit, sync status, event status, and user assignment.

Jira | Screenshot

DATA ENTRY FORMS (Event and Tracker Programs)

Improved error message dialog when saving event or enrollment: The app will now list the name of the mandatory fields missing when the user tries to complete an event or enrollment. The sections containing the missing fields will be highlighted to help the user find the missing fields.

Jira | Screenshot

QR and Barcodes supported: Data elements or attributes or type text can be configured as QR or barcodes. When a Data Element or Attribute is rendered as QR/Barcode, the app will open the device camera to read the code image. When the QR/Barcode is a TEI attribute configured as searchable, the user will be allowed to scan the code in order to search and identify the Tracked Entity Instance. This will also work for option sets.

Jira | Screenshot | Screenshot2 | Screenshot3 | Screenshot4 | Documentation

Extended rendering options: The available rendering options have been expanded to include horizontal and vertical radio buttons, checkboxes and toggles. The allowed options depend on the value type.

  • Yes Only: can be rendered as radio button or checkbox.
  • Yes/No: can be rendered as horizontal/vertical radio buttons or horizontal/vertical checkboxes or toggle.
  • Text: can be rendered as QR or Barcode. When is linked to an option set can be rendered as horizontal/vertical radio buttons or horizontal/vertical checkboxes.

Jira | Screenshot | Screenshot2 |Screenshot3 |Documentation

Save dialog and button in enrollments aligned with Events: the design of the “save” button and related dialogs in the enrollment form have been modified to align with the user experience of the events form.

Jira | Screenshot

Improvements in Sections: The display for sections has been redesigned for a more simple user experience. In addition, the sections in enrollment form are now supported and are aligned with the design of the event sections.

Jira | Jira2 | Screenshot | Screenshot2

Notes in events: It is possible to add notes to events in single event programs and program stage events. Notes are available in a new tab at the data entry form.

Jira | Jira2 | Screenshot


Filter events based on user assignment: It is possible to filter events based on assignment to the current user. The “Assigned to me” filter has been added to the single event program list, the TEI list and the TEI Dashboard and the map views. It will only be displayed when the active program is configured to assign events to users.

Jira | Jira2 | Jira3 | Screenshot | Screenshot2


Fixed vulnerability related to the application PIN access control

Events are created and persisted at the end of the Form Jira

SqlBrite Queries migrated to SDK Jira


Release Information Link
Download app from Google Play or Github Downloads - DHIS2
Documentation and Javadocs Android Overview - DHIS2
Details about each feature on JIRA (requires login) 2.1 Features
Overview of bugs fixed on JIRA (requires login) 2.1 Bugs
Source code on Github GitHub - dhis2/dhis2-android-capture-app: DHIS 2 data and tracker capture app for Android
Demo instance (user/password) https://play.dhis2.org/2.34/ android / Android123
DHIS 2 community https://community.dhis2.org Mobile Community
Sour code of SDK on Github SDK 1.0.3

Great News, :heart: many thanks to all DHIS2 Teams who with each day make dhis2 better and better for us to use. and thanks again for making Arabic translation fully available in this version.


“**QR and Barcodes supported” **
Great : )

**Thanks **


Good Job, Thank’s Marta and Team,

It will be great to have a User Guide for Android Capture App,

Why not an android User Guide for COVID-19 Surveillance Package ?


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Hello @Guy_Ekani.

Have you checked COVID-19 Package Videos Released ? There is a link to a video on how to use the package on Android. Maybe that is what you need?

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A quick one. Are comments made on the android capture client synchronized to the dhis2 server? Comments seem not to synchronize but the data is. (mobile client -2.1, dhis2 server -2.33.3)

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Thanks for the improved displays team.
Just test one event program, it seems program rules are not working always: mobile client -2.1, dhis2 server -2.33.3 , Program event: Antenatal care visit

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Thanks @mutali we will have a look into this today to see what might be the issue.


Hello @banga. I have been making some tests on the play server https://play.dhis2.org/2.33.3/dhis-web-tracker-capture/index.html#/dashboard?tei=laWiEpQL9ni&program=IpHINAT79UW&ou=DiszpKrYNg8 and the comments seems to be syncing properly for me. Are you using a specific server? Can you try on the play and let me know?


Hello @mutali.

I have been doing some tests and it seems to be working fine for me on the play server.

There are three program Rules:
Hide smoking:


The three seems to be fine on my 2.1. Could you be a bit more specific on what is the error you are having so I can try to dig deeper? Thanks!

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Thank you for this version.

I’ve tested it too, I encountered an issue with sections in enrollment form. It seems on Android app, attributes are not ordered as on web app. See below images.

I’ve tested with this instance https://play.dhis2.org/2.33.3 (Child Programme)


Hi @jaime.bosque

Here is the screenshot ,

I also tested on a another instance that has hide sections, and the rules are ignored on Android while on the web its fine.

My phone has android 9.0
I will try another phone and see, but for the moment that is the results I am getting.

Hi @mutali. Did you manage to try this again? I have tested in the play instance with three different devices and the program rules (both the hidden section and the value messages) for the program you share are working fine. Is there a chance you could try again? And eventually share with me (via PM) the credentials to the server where you are having the issue?

Great work so far. This solves all my problems, with great :joy: i :clap: for the android team.


Can we customize apart of the DHIS2 to track the drugstores and drugs with barcode options at the national level?

Hi Bashar,
mSupply mobile is a free and open source Android app that handles drugstore management. All data synchronises to mSupply servers (not open source yet) at the national level. mSupply is already integrated with DHIS2, so it can push any data you want (or data aggregations) on to DHIS2.
Barcode recognition is available in the warehouse versions.
mSupply mobile is available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and other languages too.
You can contact info@msupply.org.nz if you want to find out more or view the code and download here:

Best regards,

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Hi @bashar35,

We have developed a fsimple, COVID-19 commodity reporting form. It is built upon the guidance from WHO, International Red Cross, and MoH Sri Lanka. It is still being finalized, but we would be happy to share what we have with you now and schedule a call to take you through it if you would like. Please feel free to reach me at scott@dhis2.org.

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Hi Bashar,

you can use barcodes and QR codes from version 2.1 of the DHIS2 Android capture App and DHIS2 2.33.

You can render your data elements and attributes of Text value type as QR or barcode, that is done in the configuration of the program, when you assign your DE or attributes to the stage or program.
From the app you will be able to scan a QR or barcode using the camera of your device for storing the coded value in the DE or attribute. If you are in a tracker program and use the QR/barcode in an attribute, you will also be able to search your TEIs by scanning a QR/barcode.

You can find more information here here.


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Thank’s to android Team,

In some device the keyboard is locked and it is not possible to make search (Samsung Galaxy grand prime +)
