DHIS2 Android Capture App release is now available - HOTFIX

Dear all,

DHIS2 Android Capture App version is out as a HOTFIX release to address ANDROAPP-5194, which can result in some crashes during the TEI creation.

This is the latest stable release for version 2.7, and supersedes patch 2.7.1.

These hotfixes are provided to make it easy for you to apply important fixes without any unexpected side effect. This fixes an isolated issue and can directly replace 2.7.1.

The release notes for this patch can be found here: Patch Release


Release Information Link
Download app from Google Play or Github Google Play - Github
Documentation and Javadocs Android Overview - DHIS2
Source code on Github GitHub - dhis2/dhis2-android-capture-app: DHIS 2 data and tracker capture app for Android
Demo instance (user/password) https://play.dhis2.org/2.39/ android / Android123
DHIS 2 community https://community.dhis2.org Mobile Community
Source code of SDK on Github SDK 1.7.1