Dear all,
DHIS2 Android Capture App version is out as a HOTFIX release to address critical functional fixes. This hotfix is specially important if you are using complex program rules
Main fix:
- ANDROAPP-6797: Updating to latest rule engine version
This is the latest stable release for version 3.1.0. It includes no functional improvements nor changes in the user Interface. It means that your users can update without experiencing any change in the UI.
Release Information | Link |
Download app from Google Play or Github | Google Play - Github |
Documentation and Javadocs | Android Overview - DHIS2 |
Overview of bugs fixed on JIRA (requires login) | Bugs |
Source code on Github | GitHub - dhis2/dhis2-android-capture-app: DHIS 2 data and tracker capture app for Android |
Demo instance (user/password) | android / Android123 |