Dhis2-android-capture-app directory structure

Hi guys,

I am new to building the DHIS2 Android App from Github sources, so I am following instructions here.

This wiki says the dhis2-android-capture source code will have a structure that includes the 3 main components: app, sdk and the rule engine. However its not the case now (cannot find the sdk and rule engine in the structure on github). Is the wiki up to date? I’ll like to be enlightened on what may have changed. @Gassim @Pablo
Thank you.

Hi @Quoda!

The wiki has not been updated for some time. Currently the sdk and the rule engine are external dependencies. Currently we have the following modules:

  • app: Main code
  • commons: Utilility classes and extensions
  • compose-table: Table ui built using jetpack compose. It is DHIS2 agnostic and we use it for data sets and analytics
  • dhis2_android_maps: Implementation of features related to maps
  • dhis_android_analytics: Implementation analytics features (charts)
  • form: Tracker and event program data entry
  • stock-usecase: Implementation of the data entry for LMIS tracker programs
  • ui-components: Composables and Views (This will be remove in the future as we are building a new ui repository)
  • viewpagerdotsindicator: This is a legacy library we were using. It will be removed.

We will try to update and improve the wiki for other developers as soon as we can.


thank you @Pablo for the quick response.
This answers my question.