DHIS 2 Integration with EMR

Hi there all

I am trying to link DHIS 2 with an EMR that does patient registration and lab order processing.

Since we are using DHIS 2 for screening people and collecting lab specimen in the community, I would like to pass the data to the patient registration and lab module of the EMR.

I have selected Mirth as middleware.

I am looking for a better way from pushing events to Mirth Connect so that I have save new patients or update patients in EMR and all create new lab orders.

Thank you for posting to the community @tawanda! I should reach out to @morten and @bobj for integration support.

I also reached out to @anamariaelsal at DHIS2 because she has over 20 years of experience in EMRs and I’m sure she’d love to help. Thank you @anamariaelsal :smiley:

Much appreciated. Waiting

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Please give them some time until after the weekend? Thank you!

Hello Tawanda
This is Ana María from DHIS2. Thanks @Gassim for the link. I´m not a developer but an EMR implementer, so the experiences I have with this integration is with Bahmni an EMR developed by ThoughtWorks and OpenEMR. For the first one, you can find a good information here

Also, my understanding is that DHIS2 has a lot of integration resources here that perhaps you could review


Please take a look and let us know if the info provided is helpful of need further one.

Have a good weekend there!

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Thank you guys… For now I have settled to use Mirth Connect as a Middleware. The other EMR accepts HL7 v 2.4 message via MLLP. I created 4 channels. Channel 1 polls the postgresql databases if there are newly registered clients using DHIS 2. It then converts the XML message to HL 7 v2.4 ADT04 message and pass the it to the EMR via TCP MLLP. Channel 2 listens for client registration responses from the EMR. The responses have the Account /Patient Number that I need to store in DHIS 2 for subsequent calls. Channels 3 polls DHIS 2 postgresql database for any new lab orders. Basically when the client clicks complete on the lab order program stage, the order is ready to be sent to the EMR. The channel transforms the xml into HL 7 OBR message and sent it to the EMR. Channel 4… Listens for the lab results. Converts the HL 7 and pass the data to DHIS 2. So far it working fine.

I have come up with an additional table that holds the interested transactions. When the user clicks the new button to add the lab order stage, a trigger creates a record with the demographic data into the table. As the user captures the lab order, another trigger will be populating data into the transactions table. When the user clicks the click button, the record status changes. Mirth will be polling that table to see if it can pick the data and send it to the EMR.

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