DHIS 2 Analytics PIS

Hi everyone

I am looking for DHIS 2 material (videos, documents, etc) that clearly explains event and enrollment type program indicators with real/practical examples.


Hey @ferdinandmussavene

My advice is after taking the Introduction to DHIS2 online course is to take the DHIS2 Customization course which covers program indicators as well.

If you want lessons specifically for Program Indicators, gave you gone through the training guides in the docs?

Additionally, the academies that were virtual couple of years ago covered these topics, check out DHIS2 Tracker Use Academy for Africa, Level 1 DHIS2 Tracker Configuration Academy level 1 2022 on the DHIS2 YouTube channel.

Additionally, you could get real examples by exploring the design sections of the implementations documented in the Implement section in the docs. For instance, you can the the Program Indicators configuration for the Real-Time Stock (RTS): Real-Time Stock (RTS) - DHIS2 Documentation

You can search “program Indicator” with the filter set to Implement and see if there’s anything there that interests you:

I hope this helps! Looking forward to what helps you the most and what things need further clarification, please post back!

Thank you! :slight_smile: