DHIS 2.28 Pivot Table Aggregation/Totals

Hi DHIS community,

After upgrading to 2.28, my pivot tables’ total columns for indicators always show averages instead of sums.

I checked that the indicators’ numerators contains only data elements with “Sum” aggregation type, the denominators are just 1, and the pivot table’s Options->Aggregation Type is set to “Sum”… But the totals continue to display as averages. Is there some sort of trick or workaround to get it to display sums again?

I found a similar request in Jira (DHIS2-2380), but it hasn’t been updated in a while. Here’s a screenshot of the issue on the Play demo 2.28 server (build 2e8c1db).

Thanks in advance for your help!


Becky Smith

Health Information Specialist

ICAP at Columbia University

Email: rs3524@cumc.columbia.edu

Hi Rebecca,

I have checked and agree that the same issue exist on our side. What is kind of peculiar is that annual and financial year indicators sum up correctly when the indicator is a count indicator.

In my view the issue (DHIS2-2380), listed as an improvement to be able to select whether you want to use the sum or average for totals is confusing because one should really be using the sum of all numerator values divided by the sum of all denominator values and not the average of all period values to calculate the indicators correctly and if the former is used the values should be correct regardless if it is percentages or raw values reported.

I will report a bug report for this now.





Elmarie Claasen

Project Manager

Health Information Systems Program

Tel: 041-367 1027

Cell: 082 374 2209

E-mail: elmarie@hisp.org

Skype: elmarie.claasen52

From: Dhis2-users dhis2-users-bounces+elmarie=hisp.org@lists.launchpad.net On Behalf Of Smith, Rebecca A.
Sent: Thursday, April 5, 2018 7:39 PM
To: dhis2-users dhis2-users@lists.launchpad.net
Subject: [Dhis2-users] DHIS 2.28 Pivot Table Aggregation/Totals

Hi DHIS community,

After upgrading to 2.28, my pivot tables’ total columns for indicators always show averages instead of sums.


I checked that the indicators’ numerators contains only data elements with “Sum” aggregation type, the denominators are just 1, and the pivot table’s Options->Aggregation Type is set to “Sum”… But the totals continue to display as averages. Is there some sort of trick or workaround to get it to display sums again?

I found a similar request in Jira (DHIS2-2380), but it hasn’t been updated in a while. Here’s a screenshot of the issue on the Play demo 2.28 server (build 2e8c1db).

Thanks in advance for your help!


Becky Smith

Health Information Specialist

ICAP at Columbia University

Email: rs3524@cumc.columbia.edu