I am not able to access the stable demo 2.39.5 version by using the indicated credential can somebody help me?

Hi @melAnoh

Sorry about that. Sometimes some users change the password and this blocks other people from accessing until the demo is restarted.

For now I have replicated the admin account but if you try after the reset this will not work yet the default will probably work if no one changes it :slight_smile:

username: admin2
password: Noah(0P24

The 0 is a zero not an O. Also, it’s always a good idea to replicate the admin account to your own username and password when you start a play session.

In the same vein, does the url changes definitive ?

As an example used to redirected to the correct increment in the patch

Now it seem to redirect to
These im servers also sometime have NGO’s logos (no sierra leone)

Hi @Stephan_Mestach

The servers are still the same and this has nothing to do with the default login credentials not working or logos changed as these are demo instances so the changes you see in logos and login credentials are due to users; however, the ‘im’ is an instances manager.

previously would have redirected me to

this mecanism looks broken.

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Hi @Stephan_Mestach

I don’t remember exactly how these redirects used, you could be right though and I have triaged this; however, if you want another way to be redirected to the latest stable release you can always use:

I will let you know if I have more insights. Thanks!

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Hi @Stephan_Mestach ,

I can explain both of the behaviours you are seeing.

Firstly, you are seeing redirects to the im subdomain as we have moved our play infrastructure to a new system based on Kubernetes. In this migration phase we are trying to simply redirect things from the old play domain. The Kubernetes system has some limitations on naming conventions, so the URLs are a little different.

Secondly, 2.40 is not set up as a redirect, because we started dropping the “2.” with the release of version 40, and also reflected that in our instances on play. If you try to navigate to you will end up where you expect. However, it was a bit of an oversight that we didn’t also add the redirects in case folks try to navigate to /2.40 - and that is something we can add easily.

Kind regards,


Thanks for the clarifications.

@phil Are the play db instances still reset every day ?

Since the password is no more the default on 2.39. I suspect it’s no more the case.
I guess that once “vandalized” by another user it stays like that.
Reproducing bugs will be more dependent on what happened on these instances which is perhaps not a good thing.

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Hi @Stephan_Mestach ,

They should be reset nightly - but we may be having “teething troubles” with the new infrastructure. We also also need to implement a regular admin password reset, which we had in the past on play.
Thanks for the feedback, and please bear with us during this transition period :+1:

Kind regards,