Delete attribut or change the organisation unit of attribut


What is the method to remove an attribute from the tracker program? And the method for moving an attribute from one organisation unit to another organisation unit in Dhis2 2.36?


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Hi @crakotondramanitra

Welcome back to the community! (:

Tracked Entity Attributes (TEAs) are linked to a Tracked Entity (TE) which enrolls in the Program. Check the TE configuration from Maintenance app → Program → Tracked entity type, select the TE and then remove the attribute from the “Tracked entity type attributes”:

Then you will need to remove the attribute from the program:

You might want to run Maintenance (Clear application cache and reload apps) in the Data Administration app…

Do you mean moving a Tracked Entity from one OU to another? You can read the instructions on how to move ownership of a TE from one OU to another: Refer and event

More details about the topic of moving ownership is discussed in the docs here (Common Challenge 3: Transfers and Ownership)

Merci :blush:

thanks you @Gassim ,

My problem isn’t the attribut but the data, We have duplicate data I need to delete it.
Data tracker saved in unit organisation, I have to move to another unit organisation.

thanks for your help

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May I ask how this data got duplicated? If it’s the data you might want to edit things directly from the DB!

Do you mean to move all the TEs in the OU to another? (not one by one)… Maybe import/export after delete? (please don’t test in production yet)

Ok thanks @Gassim

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