Some relationships, like mother/child relationship are ‘permanent’. But other relationships, like a sexual partner ( to another TET: Person), or the time that a particular location/ facility (TET: location) was used by someone needs to be time-bound, meaning that a start date and end date (or an option for ‘ongoing’) needs to be declared.
This was possible when the data value ‘tracker associate’ could be included as part of an event, so you could capture the start / end date for that association. I understand that tracker associate will be discontinued (in fact in doesn’t work anymore in 2.40/ 2.41).
How do you suggest capturing the start and end date for an associated tracker entity when using relationships ?
I wasn’t aware that you could link on a relationship a TEI and an Event.
I will play with this and see if I can capture (and then output) a time constrain around that relationship.
I will be reporting back soon.
Thank you @rodolfomelia! Yes, please write back and hopefully the relationship model and the current features work well for your use case. I’m looking forward to seeing how you solved the challenge or if there’s a bit more space for improvements as well.