Dataset not visible in Android capture but visible in web app

Hello dears, I have created multiple datasets on DHIS2 and shared to the group of data collectors with the access to edit and view both data and metadata. Yet they can access on the web app but when they open it in their mobile, it shows the message “This section is misconfigured. contact your administrator.”
I have faced with the same error before but when i make the questions in section and give them meta data access it worked but now no changes.
I appreciate immediate help.

Any more info existing in the Error Logs?

Are all the sections empty? Or is it only this one (“Blended Learning”)?

This message appears when there is no information to show. Could you share a screenshot of the web view?

No. Just this one. And this happens for all the users except mine. I can see everything when i log in with my username. When i switch to data clerks’ user, the above error happens.

The web view displays all questions clearly. with both my username and data clerk’s. When using on the android capture app though, i can see all datasets clearly but with their username the error appears. I give view and edit access privilege for the user groups for both data and metadata.

Thanks @tsegshsmart. I can’t figure out what we are missing. Would it be possible to have testing credentials for a data clerk? If so, you can send a DM and continue the conversation there.