DataMutations and Relationships

I have created a relationship in a DHIS2 custom app - using this datamutation format:

> const mutationRelationships = {
    resource: 'relationships',
    type: 'create',
    data: ({ trackedEntityInstance, eventID, type }) => ({
        relationshipType: type,
        from: {
            event: {
                event: eventID,
        to: {
            trackedEntityInstance: {
                trackedEntityInstance: trackedEntityInstance,

The relationship does create correctly - however when reviewing I am getting a strange output via the API - /api/relationships/lYCmgpI5UHe - output is coming back ill formed and looking like this :

While odd this is fine - as I just need to access the relationships via the events - /api/events/Uqn71FfIPYk - i get the following output:

All good - the primary issue comes now in if i need to delete this relationship. By using the data mutation -
const mutation = {resource: 'relationships', type: 'delete', id: id, }

This does delete the relationship - as in " /api/relationships/lYCmgpI5UHe" - however the relationship associated with the entity still exists even though the relationship is deleted. How can this relationship detail be removed from the Event using a mutation - tried multiple options but not succeeded.

Any advice will be appreciated.


Hi @matthew_deas

What version is the DHIS2 instance you’re using for testing and development?

The events API endpoint is a deprecated endpoint so it’d be better to test using the newer endpoints.

What about the endpoint /api/tracker/trackedEntities/b3LugZn1Vic do you still see it there?


Hi @Gassim - thanks so much for the reply.

Will test with the new endpoints format to see if I can get the correct responses out - this is using version

I created a new relationship - and checked the endpath you provided - nowhere in that is the relationship mentioned - however I should be able to get it via


On deleting of the relationship however - when I go via this endpoint:


I get this

"httpStatus": "Not Found",
"httpStatusCode": 404,
"status": "ERROR",
"message": "Relationship not found for uid: MKTRPwk69qv"

However on rerunning the prior endpoint /api/tracker/relationships?event=JW708OHzDhU I am still seeing the relationship:

   "page": 1,
   "pageSize": 50,
    "instances": [
          "relationship": "MKTRPwk69qv",
          "relationshipType": "ZBUwOGosqI0",
           "from": {
                   "event": {
                            "event": "JW708OHzDhU"
            "to": {
                  "trackedEntity": {
                       "trackedEntity": "YgmsJybEfA3"

The only workaround I can do on this - is to run the relationships?event and then do a follow up query if the relationship ID is still valud - but that seems like a lot of processing for this.

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Maybe this has to do with “soft deleted” data or cache? :thinking: Are you able to see the relationship on the frontend? Are there any cases when the deletion isn’t successful yet received a success response?

I’m wondering if this is the case when deleting using the frontend as well? If so then either there’s a reason for that or it’s a bug.


No - relationship is not visible on the frontend - works accurately. Even on manual deletion same process applies - relationship is not found when searching on

"httpStatus": "Not Found",
"httpStatusCode": 404,
"status": "ERROR",
"message": "Relationship not found for uid: Y1OChur9PcA"

However it is still there on the following:

"page": 1,
"pageSize": 50,
"instances": [
                      "relationship": "Y1OChur9PcA",
                      "relationshipType": "ZBUwOGosqI0",
                      "from": {
                               "event": {
                                      "event": "z26ch8SRRtM"
                      "to": {
                         "trackedEntity": {
                         "trackedEntity": "AsPAun7ryJe"

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Okay, I think it’s fair to create a bug issue for this. Would you like to create a Jira bug issue on Projects - Jira? Please share the ticket here for follow up and so others can choose to comment or watch [receive notifications on updates to the ticket]…


I’m unsure whether this is a case of needing to create a new ticket - this just needs to be worked on - checked Jira and found this - and I’m experiencing the same issue. While the link is still there and I can see it - now the biggest issue is I cannot relink TEI’s to Events.

This is basically the same issue. I’m going to have to perform a workaround until this is resolved.

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