Data Visualizer: Year over year not possible for disaggregated data

It doesn’t seem like it’s possible to have a year over year visualization of disaggregated data. I’ve selected:

  • Data type → Data Elements
  • Disaggregation → Details only

Showing regular column and line charts works with disaggregated data, but not year over year visualizations. It just give the output

"No data available

The selected dimensions didn’t return any data. There may be no data, or you may not have access to it."

Bug or intended (lack of) functionality?

Hi @doctorb

Welcome to the community!

If it’s showing data in other charts then it shows the error above when changing into the year over year type then maybe it’s because it might require some changes in the category/series/filter depending on the data.

For example, in play, the ANC: ANC 1 coverage year over year chart shows data up until “Last 52 Weeks” option but when I select something earlier than that it shows me an error.

You might want to experiment on the different options that suit the type of chart. If you still think this could be a bug issues, please see if you could reproduce this on play or include configuration details on the metadata selected.

Thank you!

Hi Gassim,

Thanks for your reply!

I was perhaps a bit unclear. Let’s use ANC: 1-4 visits last 12 months, which is a visualization of data elements values as an example.

Steps to reproduce the error:

  1. Under Series, click on Data
  2. Note the names of the Selected Items (ANC 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th or more visits). Remove all of them.
  3. Change Data Type from All types to Data Elements
  4. Under Disaggregateion, select Details only
  5. Add ANC 1st visit Fixed to Selected Items and click Update
  6. The Line Chart confirms that there is data
  7. Change visualization type to Column and update
  8. The column chart confirms that there is data
  9. Change map type to Year over year (column) and Update
  10. The visualization area shows error message: No data available

If you repeat the process, but use the Data Element (not one particular disaggregated dimension), it will work as expected:

  1. Reopen ANC: 1-4 visits last 12 months
  2. Under Series, click on Data
  3. Remove ANC 2nd, 3rd and 4th visits from Selected Items (but keep ANC 1st visit) and click Update
  4. The Line Chart confirms that there is data
  5. Change visualization type to Column and update
  6. The column chart confirms that there is data
  7. Change map type to Year over year (column) and Update
  8. The visualization area correctly shows the year over year double column layout.
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Hi @Gassim,

Were you able to reproduce it?


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Hi @doctorb !

Thank you for the follow up comment and the detailed explanation. With your steps I was able to reproduce this:

Additionally, I was thinking maybe we need to select two years in the year over year chart i.e. 2023 and 2024 for instance, but that didn’t work as well.

It’s possible that this is not supported yet so it could be a feature request. I’m triaging to @dhis2-analytics to see what insights we could get.

Sorry for the delay on this one and thank you for making it easier with the steps and reminder ! :pray:

Hi @doctorb

The team is looking at this issue. Here’s the ticket if you’d like to watch the ticket on Jira and receive notifications once there’s any updates. [DHIS2-18182] - Jira

Thank you for all the details! :slight_smile:

Thank you @Gassim for looking into it again and for forwarding it! I’ll be following the updates :grin:

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Thanks! Quick update, the issue is now fixed for versions: 2.42 - 2.41.2 - 2.40.6 - 2.39.8

@Gassim Amazing! Thanks alot!! :smiley:


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:slight_smile: You’re welcome. Thanks to all who worked on this and to you too. :pray::pray:

Great! If you have the time to try again in and share feedback, it’d still be much appreciated. I’m glad to hear a confirmation that it’s working for you.

A post was split to a new topic: Pivot Table excel downloaded file reordered columns/rows