Data Set Not Loading In Data Entry Module

Dear All,

I have a DHIS2. 2.31-SNAPSHOT build ddf2ea2 .it can not load the data entry screen It gets stuck on retrieving data set as it just show the loading icon. At times, retrieving the org unit tree (on the left of the same screen) behaves the same but it is the loading dataset that is really not loading at all.

Any ideas what I can do?

Hi @bibizainab,

Had you gone through the setup guide for implementers on (from 11 to 13)


yes i had gone through the setup guide but still it is freezing on data entry screen, can you please help me with this problem

Hi @bibizainab,

Kindly check & confirm whether the data set has been assigned to a particular Org Unit.


@bibizainab did you check on the above? our team from @dhis2-platform will have a look and revert shortly.
