Data Quality session today at 15:00

Data Quality session today at 15:00

In this session will have three parts. First Scott will present the latest DHIS2 functionalities to support data quality checks.
Then Ahn Chu Hong will present the new WHO guidance and support material for data quality checks. Next, Bob will quickly demostrate how DHIS2 tools can be used at district level for routine (i.e. monthly) data quality assuance – the “10 minute training”. Tuzo will round off the session by describing a workshop held last October in Tanzania for training of staff from a set of districts.

You can post your questions ahead of, during, or after the session. Our speakers will check this thread for questions, and select some for responding to in the session, or follow up after the session has ended. Feel free to respond to other questions or add to them if you have something to follow up with.

In DHIS2 tracker is it possible to search which variable are missing in forms than other?

@Hamilton in dhis2 tracker you can make program rules or program indicators that monitor for data element completeness or missed values. This is per value/data element and there is no way to see an overview of missing values. If you push your data from tracker to aggregate you can perform the same data quality checks to the data as you do for any other aggregated data.

Thank you Scott

Broadly speaking, how is data quality currently measured in your country?
Answer\entry by region

• Following the 4 domains of the WHO data quality framework, which one would you say is the most relevant for improving the data quality in your country?
Answer\Completeness and Timeliness

• What ideas did you come up with during the module to implement improvements in the data quality review?
Answer\input data in time