For some weird reason, data I’ve entered into my tracker application is not showing up in the Data Visualizer. I’ve done the following and the issue persists (DHIS2 V2.39.2):
- Performed maintenance
- Run Analytics
- Cleared cache
- Ensured that access to the program is given to the user and right organisation unit.
I ended up trying an upgraded dhis2 version (v2.40.1) and nothing still works:
Server is deployed to AWS (Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS), dhis2-tools-ng.
Here’s what I find in the logs:
INFO 2023-08-04T23:00:14,893 Query failed, likely because the requested analytics table does not exist ( [tomcat-http-9])
org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: StatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [select count(pi) as value,'202308' as Monthly from analytics_enrollment_n300hlleuyw as ax where (enrollmentdate >= cast( '2023-08-01' as date ) and enrollmentdate < cast( '2023-09-01' as date ))and (ax."uidlevel1" = 'EHm944jZGKz' ) limit 100001]; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "analytics_enrollment_n300hlleuyw" does not exist
Position: 52
at ~[spring-jdbc-5.3.25.jar:5.3.25]
How can I have this resolved? I’ll appreciate any ideas or support. Thanks! @Gerald_Thomas @Gassim