Dashboard visualization: user org unit parameter

Hi all,

In our DHIS 2 instance there are users who cannot visualize the dashboards even though they are shared with them. We have ticked user organization unit. An error is displayed.
For all dashboards that the users should see, there is the following error:

Looking forward to help.


Please provide more info such as DHIS2 version, what errors do you see in the log and what configuration changes did you try to fix this issue. This information will help us understand what’s going on. Thanks!

Hi @Gassim,

The DHIS 2 version is 2.36.12.

We shared the dashboards with the users and we selected user organization unit as the organization unit dimension in the data visualizer. By doing so. we expected the users to see the dashboards according to where they have been assigned.


Ola @hernandezmachava ,
Deves mostrar o seu console log do seu navegador usando a conta ou replica do utilizador que esta tendo este erro, por forma a identificar a causa. Talvez limpar a cache já seja suficiente.

Hi @hernandezmachava
You must show your browser’s console log using the account of the user experiencing this error, in order to identify the cause. Maybe clearing the cache is enough.
Thanks in advance

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You must give users permission the data view

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