Dashboard Filters Incompatibility Issue with Event Reports and Event Visualizer Apps' Favorites

Hi Team,

We are planning to upgrade DHIS2 from version 2.37.9 to and facing issue in the dashboards filters described as below:

  1. Create a dashboard with data visualization and event visualizations/event reports.
  2. Add a filter with Period or Org Unit.
  3. Reports should get updated as per the filters applied.
  4. Event Reports/Event Visualizations reports shows no updates.

in it is working as expected.

Is this a bug introduced in the higher version of DHIS. I checked in play with version 2-40-7 and issue is replicable where adding filter on dashboard doesnt work. Dashboard used is Inpatient Dashboard.

Has anybody from community encountered this issue and does have a workaround or fix or suggestion for us to work out on this problem.

Also raised a Jira case but it was closed.

NOTE: We have huge number of reports based out of Event Reports and Event Visualizer and migrating them to Data Visualizer can be a task for us, hence we are looking out for a feasible solution which would help us achieve solution with minimal effort


cc @Gassim @dhis2-analytics

Hi @Vishwanideep_Kumar !
We have the same issue. Actually this is the reason we still on 2.37.9.


Thanks for the tag @Vishwanideep_Kumar !

Unfortunately, the legacy and deprecated apps (Event Reports and Event Visualizations) aren’t compatible with the new Dashboard filters. However, the Dashboard filters support all the new apps.

See comment below. It's possible to use the filters in the Dashboard app version v101.0.0 or above.

I’m not sure if there’s an easy way to do this, but I’ll ask. Thanks!

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Hi @Gassim

Sure, Thanks :slight_smile:. Will be waiting for your response. :+1:

Also, I was wondering if there is a possibility we can fix this by Installing a lower version of Dashboard App from Application Management
Also, as I see a comment from Scott on
do we have an estimated timeline when the new ER and EV applications will roll out and the version number of DHIS2.

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Hi @Gassim

For me, when I install the latest version of Dashboard app from App Management, has resolved the issue of filtering for ER and EV visualisations.

So maybe, we can mark this as Solution for now?


Hi @Vishwanideep_Kumar and @m.siusko !

Yes, I believe the issue is solved in terms of ER and EV reports showing in the Dashboard app - quoting from the Jira ticket:

@jan (Jan Henrik Øverland)
We were able to fix this issue on the dashboard side, so if you, in your 2.40+ instance, upgrade the dashboards app to the latest version filters will apply to visualizations made in Event Reports and Event Visualizer.

The minimum version of the dashboard app needed is v101.0.0.

Yes, please do mark the post that has the solution so others can find it. Thank you!