Welcome to the community! Thank you for your nice comments, and this is indeed a nice feature. Are you displaying DHIS2 dashboards in slideshows? Sharing about the experience Implementation - Implémentation would be helpful promoting this, and you’re welcome to create a feature request here.
There’s been a similar topic about this… before @Scott suggested using an app that’s dedicated to this, you can check it out: DHIS2 Visualizations on Samsung/Sony Smart TV - #2 by Scott
I also wrote a script as a workaround, if you’d like to ‘autoslide’ the new slideshow feature. It’s not official - only a workaround:
Script to Autoplay DHIS2 Slideshow dashboard
- Paste this to your console
const next=document.querySelector('button[data-test="slideshow-next-button"]');function slideshow(t){let e;const o=document.querySelector('button[data-test="slideshow-next-button"]'),s=()=>{o.click(),e=setTimeout(s,t)};this.start=()=>{s()},this.stop=()=>{clearTimeout(e),e=null}}
- Initiate and Configure time
const slides = new slideshow(5000); // 5 seconds
- Play
- Stop
Here’s quick and short tutorial …